What We Are Made Of: Mosaic Portrait of CIS-Charlotte Student

Ornella Makolo artwork image
Ornella with portrait DSCN4604 small cropped

A mosaic collage portrait of CIS-Charlotte student Ornella Makolo will be on display at Sozo Gallery through March 5, 2020.

Communities In Schools-Charlotte is excited to announce the debut of a special 4′ x 4″ mosaic collage portrait of former CIS-Charlotte student and 2019 Myers Park High School graduate, Ornella Makolo. The artwork is by renowned pop artist Jason Mecier and is part of a vibrant collection of CIS student portraits by Mecier that provide a multi-dimensional view of the challenges and triumphs students across America experience every day, and helps illustrate the vital role we all play in seeing the story within every student.

The portraits are the centerpiece of a campaign launched by Communities In Schools National in January 2019, titled, “What We Are Made Of:  An Exploration of Student Voices Through Mosaic Art.” The portraits are inspired by each student’s self-description of “what they are made of” and incorporate actual three-dimensional items of personal significance to the student.  See more of these beautiful portraits and learn about the campaign at www.whatwearemadeof.us

"Dreamers & Doers" at Sozo Gallery, Feb. 5 - Mar. 5

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CIS-Charlotte is pleased to be a part of the current exhibit, “Dreamers & Doers,” at Sozo Gallery, featuring Charlotte artists Percy King and Nico Amortegui.  When CIS-Charlotte friend and Sozo Gallery owner Hannah Blanton first saw the collage portrait of “ORNELLA”, she felt the artwork and the “student voices” inspiration behind it would align perfectly with the gallery’s upcoming “Dreamers & Doers” show. Blanton agreed to include “ORNELLA” in the exhibit and is generously donating a percentage of artwork sales to CIS-Charlotte from the February 5th opening reception and an Artist-Led Discussion event on February 22nd.

Sozo Gallery is located at 214 N. Tryon Street in the Hearst Tower Plaza. Check Sozo’s website for gallery hours, and click here to learn more about the exhibit and artists Percy King and Nico Amortegui.