Thank You for supporting All In For Kids 2021!

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Communities In Schools is grateful to everyone who supported our All In For Kids – A Week of Giving campaign, November 8-14, 2021. The dedication of our CIS Board of Directors, the generosity of individual donors and our corporate sponsors, and the community at large who followed our stories and engaged on social media –  all combined for a very successful campaign to raise funds and awareness for our organization and mission. THANK YOU to everyone who participated!

We especially wish to thank our Corporate Sponsors – without their support, All In For Kids – A Week of Giving, would not have been possible. Their generosity and enthusiasm for being genuinely “All In For Kids” was incredible!  Charlotte is fortunate to have all of these companies involved in the community, with their time, their volunteer efforts, and their generous financial support. 

Many Thanks to these Gold Level Sponsors

Our top Gold Level Sponsors for All In For Kids included Continental, Financial Resources Group, GCM Grosvenorand US Bank.  Three of these sponsors produced videos in support of CIS-Charlotte, which we share below.  We appreciate this additional endorsement and opportunity to share our mission!

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