Senior Spotlight: Najahla

Najahla Mingo
East Mecklenburg High School

Najahla Mingo cap gown 2 small croppedToday we are highlighting Najahla, who is graduating on June 8, 2024 from East Mecklenburg High School. Najahla is headed to Winston-Salem State University this fall, where she plans to study Nursing. Part of her inspiration in choosing this career field is she wants to help increase diversity in the nursing/healthcare profession.
Najahla’s CIS Site Coordinator, Carlea Atkinson, says Najahla has been a high achiever academically throughout her high school journey, but she is even more proud of the personal growth that Najahla has achieved in high school.
“Najahla has learned to trust in herself, and how to express herself and be okay with standing in who she is,” said Ms. Atkinson. “She ultimately learned that everything she needs to succeed outside of academics was already within, she just needed to pull it out of herself. I’m so excited for her to begin her next journey at her chosen HBCU and to become the best nurse that she can be.”
Najahla credits Ms. Atkinson for helping her learn how to take care of herself and manage her emotions while juggling her school work as she progressed into adulthood. “I feel prepared now to be out on my own during college, and to trust in my abilities,” she said.
Yes, trust in yourself, Najahla – we believe you are ready to fly! Best wishes to you at WSSU!
#communitiesinschools #CIS #CISCharlotte #SeniorSpotlight #Classof2024