School Tools Drive runs Aug. 3-14

Even with remote learning, students still need school supplies!

ST 9 Top Items 2In fact, with the economic impact of COVID-19, many families simply do not have the ability to purchase school supplies for their children. Pencils, markers, loose-leaf paper, subject notebooks, and pocket folders are still needed! How about earbuds? – another important accessory for this school year of remote learning.
Since 1997, in partnership with Communities In Schools and Classroom Central, the WSOC-TV 9 School Tools campaign has collected school supplies, which are then distributed free to students in grades K-12. It is the largest school supply drive in the Carolinas, covering 22 counties. The Campaign kicks off today, August 3, and runs through August 14.
While the Campaign will look a little different this year due to the pandemic, with no in-person collection events, you can still help! Here’s how: 
  • You can donate school supplies at any Showmars, Ashley HomeStore and E.R. Plumbing Services. Collection bins are ready for you to drop off supplies, now through Aug. 14!  Click here to see a map of locations.
  • If you would rather make a financial donation, you may do so at this link. With these donations, Classroom Central will be able to purchase supplies at bulk prices to stock their free store for teachers and CIS Site Coordinators.
  • Most Needed Supplies include: Pencils, Crayons, Filler Paper, Highlighters, Colored Markers, Subject Notebooks, Composition Books, Dry Erase Markers, Pocket Folders, and Earbuds.
Visit the 9 School Tools website at for more information.
THANK YOU for supporting WSOC-TV 9 School Tools and local students!