DifferenceMakers® CLT is a partnership between CIS of Charlotte-Mecklenburg and The Gambrell Foundation to promote social capital and college and career readiness for CIS high school juniors.
Program Overview
DifferenceMakers® CLT is an inter-generational leadership program that brings student leaders and community members in Charlotte together. This student-centered experience provides connections with community leaders, intentional workshops, a social justice capstone project, and a transformational trip to Washington, D.C.
Upon completion of the program, students will receive a full year of support and life design planning in their senior year, and continued resources post-graduation, in the DifferenceMakers® Alumni Program.
We seek to empower youth voice, promote economic mobility, build bridges across difference, and develop an inter-generational network of connections, ultimately creating a legacy of “difference makers” in our local community and beyond.
“I am very grateful for the experience and the many connections formed during the journey. I really stepped outside of my comfort zone, and I haven’t worn a suit since 1st grade. This journey introduced me to so many powerful, accomplished individuals… and they should know their actions forever altered my life.” – Student Leader
To learn more about DifferenceMakers® CLT, view this powerful video of our August 2023 experience: