Leon Levine Foundation supports CIS with $350K Matching Grant

Charlotte, NC  – The Leon Levine Foundation announced today it will support Communities In Schools of Charlotte-Mecklenburg (CIS-Charlotte) by offering a $350,000 matching gift challenge grant over a two-year period. Donations made to CIS-Charlotte by new donors – or donations that represent a leadership level increased gift by a current donor – will be matched dollar for dollar up to $350,000 if made between now and June 1, 2019. 

“This is a tremendous opportunity for us,” said Molly Shaw, CIS-Charlotte Executive Director. “This grant will have a significant impact on our efforts to support students and strengthen our community. As Charlotte recognizes the need to focus on economic mobility and opportunity, attracting new donors and expanding our individual donor base will allow CIS to deepen our work to help create cycles of generational success. The Leon Levine Foundation continues to set an exemplary standard of intentional and transformational philanthropy.”

CIS of Charlotte-Mecklenburg is an affiliate of the national Communities In Schools network, the nation’s largest and most effective organization dedicated to keeping kids in school and helping them succeed in life. Locally, CIS of Charlotte-Mecklenburg provides case management services to 6,000+ students annually in 43 Charlotte-Mecklenburg schools with students who have some of the greatest needs but the fewest resources. An additional 30,000 students in Charlotte-Mecklenburg are supported by CIS each year through school-based programming and volunteer-resource coordination at those same schools. Of the 6,087 students enrolled in CIS during the 2015-16 school year, 99% stayed in school; 96% were promoted to the next grade; and 457 CIS seniors graduated with a high school diploma.

“Over the years we have seen CIS serve as a leader in supporting students and removing barriers that otherwise keep students out of the classroom or not performing up to their potential,” said Tom Lawrence, Executive Director of The Leon Levine Foundation.  “We are excited that CIS has undertaken a forward thinking vision to address each student’s individual needs and look forward to seeing CIS continue to grow to meet the needs of Charlotte students most impacted by poverty.  We’re optimistic that the Charlotte community will rise to the challenge and match this grant by The Leon Levine Foundation.”

To learn more about Communities In Schools and to make a gift that will be matched by The Leon Levine Foundation, visit www.cischarlotte.org and click on the “Donate Now” tab. Or donations may be mailed to Communities In Schools, Attn: Development Office, 601 E. 5th Street, Suite 300, Charlotte, NC 28202.   

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About Communities In Schools
The mission of Communities In Schools (CIS) is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. Communities In Schools uses an evidence-based model, implemented by trained site coordinators, to connect students and their families to critical education and community-based resources. This involves working hand-in-hand with schools, partners, communities and families to identify students’ unique needs and surround them with a caring network of support. Find out more at www.cischarlotte.org  

About The Leon Levine Foundation
The Leon Levine Foundation’s mission is to improve the human condition by creating permanent, measurable and life-changing impact. The organization invests in nonprofits with a successful track record and a focus on sustainability in the areas of healthcare, education, Jewish values and human services.

Started by Leon Levine, the creator of the first Family Dollar Store in Charlotte, N.C., in 1980, the foundation has grown into one of the country’s largest and most impactful philanthropic organizations. For more information, please visit www.leonlevinefoundation.org.