
Harding University High School

La’Mya MoffettWhen asked to describe herself, La’Mya Moffett used these five words: Enthusiastic. Vulnerable. Dedicated. Humble. Independent. La’Mya’s story clearly embodies all of these characteristics, but “Independent” and “Dedicated” especially stand out.

In some ways, independence was thrust upon La’Mya at a young age when her mother was incarcerated. Throughout La’Mya’s formative years, her mother continued to be in and out of the criminal justice system. But La’Mya says the hardships she and her family have endured have taught her valuable life lessons and have contributed to her independence.

“I understand that my actions are most important and can affect my future,” said La’Mya, “At the same time, independence has taught me to be my own biggest advocate and source of strength.”

“La’Mya is a strong advocate for herself, friends, and family. She is driven and determined to find success by continuing her education.”

Chapman Archer, La’Mya’s CIS Site Coordinator, echoes La’Mya’s perspective: “La’Mya is a strong advocate for herself, friends, and family,” said Archer. “She is driven and determined to find success by continuing her education.”

La’Mya is first-generation in her family to attend college and was served by our TRiO Talent Search program as well as CIS. She is excited to attend Fayetteville State University this fall and will study Computer Science or Aerospace Engineering.

La’Mya was recognized by CMS as an Outstanding Senior, and she has received a renewable $3,000 scholarship through Urban Promise. Independent, dedicated – and successful!