One-on-One Support Helps Students Improve Attendance

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Being Present Matters

CIS knows that good attendance in school is critically important to student success. That’s why we are laser-focused on tracking and supporting students’ daily attendance. 

Brady, a CIS 6th grader, was missing too many days of school. His CIS Site Coordinator, Ms. Randolph, met with him to dig deeper and understand the root causes of his absences. She stressed the importance of being in school every day, and together they brainstormed ways he could improve his attendance. 

Ms. Randolph then drew up an “attendance contract” for Brady, holding him accountable by checking in with him each morning when he came to school, and contacting him at home if he wasn’t in school. Brady’s small successes led to greater enthusiasm – soon he was proactively checking in with Ms. Randolph each day, proud to let her know he was in school. Over the next semester, his attendance improved significantly, with just 4 absences compared to 10 in the previous quarter. His grades improved, too – way to go, Brady!

Setting Students Up For Success

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The real reasons students miss school are often complex and misunderstood. They are often absent because support and resources are often absent. Many students face challenges with safety, transportation, mental or physical health, access to clean clothes, food insecurity, or have household responsibilities such as childcare or needing to work.

CIS is present in schools every day, helping students like Brady with their attendance and any other obstacles keeping them from success. When CIS is present in schools, 99% of our students stay in school.

With your support, CIS can be present in more schools to ensure that all kids have the resources they need to thrive and achieve. We are proud of Brady and look forward to watching his progress this school year!