Order CIS Holiday Cards by Dec. 14

Holiday Card Sample for Web 2020 updated

This holiday, please share your Hope and Joy with a student by making a donation or purchasing our Holiday Cards in honor or in memory of family, friends, and colleagues. To ensure holiday delivery, order cards by December 14 . (Suggested donation is $15 minimum  per card).

Your Donation or Purchase of Cards Will Make A Difference

The 2020-21 school year is unlike anything we have ever seen. We are living in a time when our most valuable commodity is connection – to one another and to the hope and joy those connections can bring. Our CIS team members place a premium on building genuine relationships with their students and parents. They are trusted advocates and connectors to critical services, resources, and opportunities that help level the playing field for students, empowering them to unlock their potential and pursue pathways to success. 

Especially during this pandemic, the presence of our staff now, whether in the school building or virtually on the screen, is more important than ever. Every day, our Site Coordinators are connecting with their students, providing technology support as well as motivating them to engage in their classes. They are identifying critical needs such as food security, help with household bills, and health services. Additionally, they are providing that human connection that bolsters students’ emotional well-being, bringing them a little joy in these challenging times and reminding them to remain hopeful for the future. 

Here’s How Your Gift Can Make A Difference

$50       Nutritious snacks/food security for three students.
$125     Clothing and hygiene items for four students. 

$250     College access, career-readiness, and social capital activities for six students.
$500     Academic support and enrichment for 10 students.
$1500   Individualized case management for one student for the full academic year.

About the Artwork

Our student artists this year are Henry, Amari, and Miguel. They are all CIS 5th graders at Berryhill School and were super excited to learn their artwork would be used for our 2020 CIS Holiday Card! Berryhill’s art teacher, Mary Katherine Underwood, says this was a project where students were learning about proportion. Students also learned the history of The Nutcracker and watched the performance while they worked. They used crayons  for resistance and tempera paints.