Help Students Dream BIG this Holiday!

Help Our Students Dream BIG this Holiday!

Click here to make a donation or purchase CIS Holiday Cards!

7″ x 5″ Folded Card
Artwork by CIS student Ka’myaha – 5th grader at Bruns Academy

Holiday Card Holiday Card

“If you can dream it, you can do it!” ~Walt Disney

The challenges facing the youth in our community today are greater than ever. Our kids need to be reminded of the words of Walt Disney, “If you can dream it, you can do it!” – and then we need to ensure that they have the appropriate tools and support to make those dreams a reality.

Since 1985, Communities In Schools and our many community partners, volunteers, and donors have provided those tools to thousands of students in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools. The students and families we serve have the greatest need for intervention and support — but also have some of the greatest potential. Our system of support includes addressing critical needs, academic challenges, college/career readiness, mentoring, parent engagement, and service learning. Most importantly, we provide students with a caring relationship with an adult— a CIS Site Coordinator who helps to mitigate barriers and address challenges, one who sees and inspires the best in each child, and nurtures the inherent strengths that all children possess when guided by love and hope. Trusted relationships with intentional supports change the dialogue, change the dreams, and change the future trajectory of children and their families.

You can help our students “Dream Big” this holiday and throughout the coming year by making a donation or purchasing our holiday cards in honor or in memory of family, friends, and colleagues. We greatly appreciate donations of any size, but we ask for a $10 minimum per card donation (for cards sent on your behalf in honor or in memory of others); however, there is also an option on the Order Form to make a donation only and elect not to send cards.

Thank you for helping our students Dream BIG!

OUR IMPACT 2015-16

Impact Chart