Help Give Need a Vacation with SummerSHARE!

Summer ShareSummerSHARE 2016 is here, and we hope you’ll be a part of it! Need in Charlotte doesn’t get a vacation, and that’s what SummerSHARE is all about. This two-week campaign (July 11-22) is a collaboration of 77 local nonprofits, spearheaded by SHARE Charlotte, to inspire the community to give much-needed products or donations to local charities to help meet their ongoing needs during summer months.

Here’s how you can help:

1. Spread the Word! Like us on Facebook and share our #summershareCLT posts. Follow us on Twitter and retweet our #summershareCLT tweets. Follow us on Instagram and like our photos. Or click the Share button at the top of this page and share with friends!

2. Check out our SummerSHARE “Wish List” on and purchase one of our items, now through July 22. As you’ll see, we especially need:

• Tri-fold Project Display Boards

• TI-84 and TI-83 Graphing Calculators

• 7″ Kindle Fire Tablets

• JanSport Backpacks

• Three-Ring Binders

• College-Ruled Notebook Paper

• Packs of No. 2 Pencils

3. Or make a financial donation to CIS – and we’ll do the shopping based on what we need most!

4. Enjoy a Knight out – Come to the Charlotte Knights game on Tuesday, July 19 to support SummerSHARE. Get your tickets atÂ

Visit SummerSHARE’s web page to learn more and see all of the participating nonprofits. It’s only here for two weeks, and then like a snowman in July, it will be gone – so please take action TODAY!

Thank you for helping local nonprofits continue doing good work to make Charlotte better and stronger!

#SummerShareCLT    #GiveNeedAVacay