E2D donates Laptops to 100 CIS 9th Graders

One hundred CIS 9th graders recently received a free laptop through a local organization, E2D, which stands for “Eliminate the Digital Divide.” This is the third year that E2D has worked with CMS and CIS to identify students in need to benefit from this fantastic donation. Since August of 2013, E2D has provided laptops, software and initial training for 750 families in Mecklenburg County!

Pat Millen, E2D’s founder, said the idea was the brainchild of his daughter, Franny, who was just 12 years old three years ago when she wondered aloud to her dad, how could kids do their homework without a computer at home? She knew many of her classmates did not have a computer and she felt this was unfair, and wanted to know what they could do about it. E2D was born, and is providing a critical need for students.

Clearly, the students are very excited to have a computer of their own, not to mention the academic benefits it provides. This year’s “Distribution Day,” as E2D likes to call it, was Saturday, September 26, and the weather was less than ideal – in fact, it was one of those all day rainy days… Millen described in a recent blog post on the E2D website (www.e-2-d.org) how one West Mecklenburg student left home with his grandmother – who walks with a cane – at 7:30 that morning to walk 1-1/2 miles down Tuckaseegee Road in the rain to make sure they were on time for their 9:00 am appointment with E2D at West Meck.

CIS is so grateful to be included in this wonderful opportunity for our students!