CIS 8th grader Briell Taylor is one of only two Grand Prize winners out of nearly 1,000 entries in CMS

CIS 8th grader (now rising 9th) Briell Taylor is headed to Washington, D.C. in July, courtesy of the Do The Write Thing (DTWT) Essay Challenge! Briell is one of only two Grand Prize winners in the CMS district, out of nearly 1,000 students who participated this year.
The contest is a partnership between Mecklenburg County’s Communty Support Services (CSS) and the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department (CMPD), held annually for middle school students in CMS, and students in other school districts across the country. The theme focuses on how youth violence and drug abuse impacts young lives, and encourages participants to use the contest as an outlet to express their ideas and emotions on this vital topic.
CIS has always supported the contest and this year, CIS staff submitted essays from nearly 300 students. Two students from each participating school are selected as local winners – then two from the entire district are selected to attend the natonal event in Washington.
Briell and her mom, along with Briell’s CIS Site Coordinator Michael Clark, will travel to Washington to be recognized with the other Grand Prize winners from across the country.
Briell attended Coulwood Middle School and will be a freshman at Phillip O. Berry this fall. Mr. Clark said Briell is an excellent student and a positive, outgoing young lady who is “always looking for the next challenge.” We believe it! Congrats to you, Briell!