CIS Site Coordinator Gwen Thompson celebrates 25 Years

Twenty-Five Years and Counting!

Gwen Thompson
Gwen Thompson

Site Coordinator Gwen Thompson is celebrating a big milestone this year – 25 years with CIS! Gwen joined CIS in 1988, first as an administrative assistant, but soon transitioned into a Site Coordinator position at Cochrane Middle School. She remained at Cochrane for 10 years before moving in 1996 to the newly opened Nathaniel Alexander Elementary, where she has been for the past 19 years.

“My job of providing services for students and families has been an amazing journey,” said Gwen. “I love what I do, and seeing my students grow and mature in so many ways has been my inspiration. I encourage my students to work hard, strive for the best, and always come to me if they need my help or assistance in any way.”

Gwen Thompson
Gwen Thompson gives an award certificate to CIS student Vy Ho, who graduated from Vance High School in June 2015.

Gwen has watched CIS grow from serving four schools in 1988, to 41 schools and 6,000+ students today – but says CIS has never veered from its mission to surround kids with caring support and services that remove obstacles to learning and help them graduate high school.

And Gwen has seen her share of former students graduate! Just this year, Gwen watched as one of her former students, Vy Ho, whom she met as a Kindergarten student at Nathaniel Alexander, graduate from Vance High School and receive several college scholarships through CIS. Vy is now a freshman at UNC-Charlotte (Fall 2015).

Gwen admits that 25 years may be a long time to stay in the same job, but says her “drive and desire to help children has not lessened.”

Congratulations, Gwen! Your students are lucky to have you!