Artwork by a CIS student from Bruns Avenue Elementary School
Order Cards by December 12 to ensure holiday delivery!
For nearly 40 years, Communities In Schools of Charlotte-Mecklenburg, Inc. (CIS) has been a valued and trusted partner with Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, placing full-time staff in high-poverty schools to provide essential support and resources to ensure student success.
In the wake of the pandemic, the dramatic rise in chronic absenteeism among students has been a growing concern and demonstrates the need for CIS services in our schools is greater than ever. During the 2022-23 school year, nearly 35% of economically disadvantaged students were chronically absent (missing 18+ days). By building trusting relationships with students and parents, CIS is able to dig deeper and uncover the real reasons kids are missing school – and then help find solutions. When CIS is present in schools, 99% of our students stay in school.
Your financial support through a gift to our Holiday Campaign enables us to place Site Coordinators in schools with the greatest needs and address the challenges students face that are keeping them from success. Thank you for caring about our community’s children with your gift this holiday season!
Empower Students With Your Gift Today
$100 Social-Emotional Learning activity kits for five students.
$250 College access, career-readiness, and social capital activities for six students.
$500 Academic support and enrichment for 10 students.
$1500 Full scope of CIS services for one student during the academic year.
Meet the Artist!
We are pleased to introduce you to Kylee, our talented artist of this year’s holiday card. Kylee is 10 years old and in the 5th grade at Bruns Avenue Elementary.
Aside from art, Kylee’s favorite subject in school is math. She also enjoys participating in the Heart of Charlotte Optimist Club’s mentoring group (in partnership with CIS) and the Girls On the Run club.
Kylee has been in CIS since the first grade, and her younger brother is in CIS, too. When asked what would be the one word she would use to describe her CIS Site Coordinator, Kylee immediately said, “caring.”
Thank you for sharing your beautiful snowman artwork with us, Kylee. We love it and we’re thrilled to share it with others this holiday season!
(Suggested donation is $15 minimum per card)