CIS-Charlotte Launches #AllinforKids Campaign

Annual Fundraising Campaign aims to diminish impact of "shadow pandemic"

CHARLOTTE, NC – Communities In Schools of Charlotte-Mecklenburg (CIS-Charlotte) has announced the launch of its annual fundraising campaign, #AllInForKids, aimed at curbing the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education by empowering students to stay in school and on a path to a brighter future.

Referred to as “the shadow pandemic,” students have suffered trauma, isolation and significant instructional loss during remote learning, which has exacerbated pre-existing systemic challenges. The pandemic heightened disparities in employment and access to basic needs. The Household Pulse Survey conducted by the US Census Bureau found that:

  • 64% of Latinx and 57% of Black families report losing at least one income during the pandemic.
  • 19% of Latinx and 20% of Black households reported experiencing food insecurity as a result of the pandemic.

These are the families served by CIS-Charlotte, with 90% of CIS students identifying as Black or Hispanic, and 78% living in households earning less than $35,000 per year.  Students and families served by CIS faced systemic barriers to success prior to the pandemic, and their needs have increased because of the pandemic. In addition, millions of students are completely “missing” (did not log on or show up for remote learning) from school rosters nationally, and that statistic is mirrored locally, with thousands of missing students.

Research shows that family instability, such as losing an income stream or experiencing housing insecurity, can negatively affect children’s social-emotional, cognitive, and academic outcomes.  Left unaddressed, inadequate supports, untreated trauma and continued disengagement results in wider achievement and opportunity gaps for children. Lack of social-emotional stability for CIS students and their family members further exacerbates the challenges they face in education, career readiness, and life.

The need for services to re-engage students in their learning and get them back on track with their academics and their social-emotional wellbeing is greater today than at any other time in CIS-Charlotte’s 37-year history.  As part of the #AllInForKids Campaign, CIS-Charlotte will deploy an array of fundraising strategies including corporate and individual donors, peer-to-peer fundraising, and the 2021 Week of Giving from November 8-14.

To learn more, visit

Many thanks to these Corporate Sponsors of our #AllinforKids Week of Giving:

CIS Sponsors 11.10 FB# # #

Communities In Schools of Charlotte-Mecklenburg is an affiliate of the national Communities In Schools network, the nation’s largest and most effective organization dedicated to keeping kids in school and on a path to a brighter future. CIS collaborates with businesses, other human service agencies, faith and community groups to connect students to caring adults and community resources to ensure that every student has what they need to realize their potential in school and beyond, regardless of race, zip code, or socioeconomic background. Initiated in 1985, CIS-Charlotte currently serves 4,000-6,000 students annually in 54 Charlotte-Mecklenburg public schools. Nationally, there are 131 CIS affiliates in 25 states and D.C., serving approximately 1.56 million students in 2,300 schools across the U.S.

For inquiries, contact Brittney Bogues at, 704-280-9842 or May Johnston at, 704-779-3231