Bequest Intent Form

This Bequest Intent Form is provided to donors who wish to inform Communities In Schools of Charlotte-Mecklenburg (CIS-Charlotte) of their desire to include CIS-Charlotte as a beneficiary in their estate plans. If you have any questions, please contact our Advancement Office at

Bequest Intent Form

"*" indicates required fields

I/We wish to provide for the future well being of Communities In Schools of Charlotte-Mecklenburg through a provision in my/our estate plans. We are informing Communities In Schools of Charlotte-Mecklenburg of our plans with this completed Bequest Intent Form. I/We understand that this future commitment can be revoked or modified by me/us at any time.
Today's Date*
Type of Planned Gift*
I/We have made a provision to leave a legacy to Communities In Schools of Charlotte-Mecklenburg through my/our:
I/We wish to inform Communities In Schools of Charlotte-Mecklenburg, for long-term planning purposes only, of the current value of my/our future gift, as stated below:
(This amount is kept confidential. If your gift is a percentage of your estate, please indicate the approximate value.)I/We understand that by stating an amount, I am/our estate is not legally bound by this statement and that I/we may choose to add, subtract, or revoke this bequest at any time, at my/our sole discretion.
Gift Recognition*
I give permission to publish my/our names when recognizing Communities In Schools Legacy Donors as a motivation for others to leave a legacy gift to Communities In Schools.