
Class of 2020
Independence High School

Amber Zeigler Independence photo Cropped

Sometimes you have to take things into your own hands and be the solution. Amber Zeigler learned that lesson at a young age, when she was in the 6th grade.

Amber is a soon-to-be CIS graduate from Independence High School. She has always been good in science and enjoyed the subject in school, but when she was in the 6th grade, science took on even greater meaning for her. It was at this time that her mother was diagnosed with colon cancer, which later metastasized to her liver and right lung.

“As I witnessed my mother’s battle with cancer, I became much more interested in finding solutions to diseases and illnesses,” said Amber. “I believe it was my mother’s cancer that caused me to begin thinking about science and clinical research as a potential career.”

And now she is on her way to reaching that goal. A 2020 Top Senior sponsored by The Charlotte Post Foundation and a member of the National Honor Society of High School Scholars, Amber has received several scholarships and is excited to attend UNC-Greensboro in the fall. She plans to major in BioChemistry and later hopes to get her Master’s degree in the field.

Amber is grateful to CIS and her Site Coordinators for providing opportunities for college campus tours and career fairs. She says those experiences helped her learn what different colleges had to offer. “I learned about colleges I never even thought of considering, including UNC-G,” said added.

Amber is also happy to share that while her mother has continued to battle cancer over the years, currently she is cancer-free and doing well.  Amber says the coronavirus pandemic has made it even more clear how important your family and your health are.

“This time has shown me how we should not take each day for granted and that our health is very important,” said Amber.  “Although I missed out on the rest of my senior year, prom, and a traditional graduation ceremony, I know that everything happens for a reason and that better things are coming.”

We are proud of all you have accomplished, Amber, and agree that many more good things are in store for you!

#Graduation2020 #whatwearemadeof