You’re Invited to be All In For Kids!

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Benefiting Communities In Schools of Charlotte-Mecklenburg

All In For Kids: A Week of Giving is an opportunity to support students in need and their families in Charlotte-Mecklenburg. By going #AllinforKids and donating to CIS-Charlotte, we can fuel the power of each student’s potential and better our community together!

CIS-Charlotte empowers students to take charge of their story and overcome the circumstances and systems that keep them from success. We know that when they are connected to meaningful relationships and given opportunities and access, they will be successful. And when students succeed, our community and the world at large does, too. So how can you join us in this effort to support our students across Charlotte, and their families?

Go #AllinforKids during our virtual Week of Giving, October 24-28! Follow us on social media @cischarlotte to hear our stories, learn about our students and see why our work is vital to our community!


Thank You To Our Sponsors

CIS AIFK Website image updated 10 12 22