Our Mission

Communities In Schools of Charlotte-Mecklenburg, Inc. (CIS-Charlotte) is an affiliate of the national Communities In Schools network, whose mission is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. Working directly inside schools, CIS connects students to caring adults and community resources to help them succeed inside and outside the classroom to reach their greatest potential.

Our Commitment to Educational Equity

CIS believes that race, socioeconomic status or the neighborhood in which one lives should not predicate student outcomes. Ensuring that all students have equitable school experiences and opportunities is foundational to our mission, and infused in everything we do. CIS-Charlotte is committed to removing systemic inequalities present in our educational system. We help champion solutions so that students can achieve success in school and in life.

THe Longest Roll Call: Being Present Matters

Communities In Schools recently released “The Longest Roll Call” campaign to raise awareness for the 15 million students across the U.S. who are chronically absent (missing 10% or more of the school year). In the PSA, we printed 15 million names on a roll call sheet – one name to represent every chronically absent student in the U.S.  Their reasons why are very real.

Our CIS Site Coordinators help students succeed by connecting students with the resources they need to thrive. When CIS is present, 99% of our students are present and ready to learn. #BeingPresentMatters

Brittany Shonya e1626106547773

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